This is not a complete list, but more to showcase our Founder's holistic approach to education.

This is not a complete list, but more to showcase our Founder's holistic approach to education.

He is a firm believer in the saying, practice before preach. He also utilized this opportunity to understand one more educational platform - this time taking the role play of a learner, thus expanding his experience adding to his instructional leadership experience spanning State University, Private For-Profit institution and also Community College instructing diverse areas namely,

Public Health,
Information Management Systems,
Statistics, Mathematics, Chemistry,
Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics,
Educational Leadership, & Organizational Leadership,
Business and Operations Management
Business Statistics and More

while also focusing in various areas covering real world research, development and commercialization.


  1. Did not give me a re-buttal my answer was true ..Now we are not living in Ancient times than every one seemed to work by instinct so to speak..Today Everyone is Picked whether they are Qualified or Not..So is Not Fair to Both you know..Our Society has gone to Hell.because of Marxism..look it up!

  2. State of Oregon was top leader in Timber but Marxism why selling off land.


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